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Descoperirea depozitului de manuscrise de la Nag Hammadi din 1945 a fost considerat un eveniment de importanta exceptionala pentru ca a facut posibila cunoasterea nemediata si exhaustiva a principalelor linii ale gandirii gnostice care pana la acea data erau infatisate doar indirect si fragmentar in scrierile ereziologilor crestini Cercetarea interdisciplinara clasificarea si traducerea acestor manuscrise a necesitat truda unor colective alcatuite din specialisti renumiti De la mult comentata Evanghelie dupa Toma pana la scandaloasa Evanghelie dupa Maria ce a constituit punctual de plecare al romanului Codul lui da Vinci aceste scrieri aduc perspective noi nu totdeauna comode in privinta conceptiei noastre privind crestinismul primar Evanghelii GnosticeBooks can be attributed to Unknown when the author or editor as applicable is not known and cannot be discovered If at all possible list at least one actual author or editor for a book instead of using Unknown. Evanghelii Gnostice ebookers Books whose authorship is purposefully withheld should be attributed instead to Anonymous Books can be attributed to Unknown when the author or editor as applicable is not known and cannot be discovered If at all possible list at least one actual author or editor for a book instead of using Unknown. Evanghelii Gnostice ebookee Books whose authorship is purposefully withheld should be attributed instead to Anonymous site_link
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