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The house was built in the 1700s and continued to be occupied even after the Civil War So I felt this historical part was missing in an otherwise very entertaining book Growing Up With Ghosts This is another book that I enjoyed and I think about anyone with an interest in ghost stories will like it Growing Up With Ghosts Very well written book from the author s own childhood Growing Up With Ghosts What a wonderful story of living and growing up in a very old haunted home I enjoyed this book very much on how Sharon Day and her family moved into this old Southern home and finding out they weren t alone There are a few parts that made me smile and chuckle a little If you re into true ghost stories I think you might enjoy this book Growing Up With Ghosts

Growing Up With Ghosts By Sharon Day
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Sharon Day author of Ghost Hunting Theories blog shares the unsettling accounts of her and her family s experiences at the 250 year old house they called home in Northern Virginia The actively haunted estate had been used as a field hospital during the Civil War and left a lingering residue of haunting activity apparitions voices object movement and To the author growing up there since she was a baby the phenomena seemed quite normal and natural It honed her desire to understand how and why hauntings occur and led her as an adult into the field of paranormal investigation Growing Up With GhostsVery interesting book The strangest part is that it is true You really should read this if you want to read about a real life ghost haunting Growing Up With Ghosts loved reading the stories about this house which is probably only 10 miles from my house One of my family members attends classes at George Mason University so I am very curious about which house in that area is the subject of this book Is it even still there or has it been replaced by new houses The author repeatedly wrote about how her mother was ceaselessly researching the history of the house so I was expecting a chapter detailing this history I was disappointed that there wasn t any detailed information about it other than it used to be a plantation then a hospital during the Civil War Yet.