☆ Thrive: Digging Deep, Reaching Out ê PDF View by ↠ Mark Hall eBook or Kindle ePUB free
Taking the Next Step in Your Faith Life to GROW DEEP AND STRONG The only way to be the hands and feet of Jesus is to love him and serve others out of our love for him But to do that we must first be deeply rooted in our life with God In Thrive Mark Hall lead singer for the popular band Casting Crowns shows us what it really looks like to walk with Jesus In part 1 Digging Deep Hall demonstrates how to truly engage with the Word and a community of faith worshiping and pursuing God wholeheartedly as our hearts and minds are transformed In part 2 Reaching Out we see the fruits of our engagement with the Word and the community the grateful giving back of service and love Using relatable stories grounded teaching and great application Hall helps everyone who wants to take the next step of faith and see their life grow deep and strong Thrive Digging Deep Reaching OutI read 3 4 of this book and just couldn t convince myself to finish It s nothing against the writing or the theology I just didn t enjoy the style of the book It felt like a series of blog posts or articles and didn t feel like a cohesive whole I wanted to dive deeper into the idea of thrive digging deep reaching out but I felt like the book just brushed the surface There were a few good quotes This one was my favorite. Thrive kindle unlimited You re going to attach your idea of God to what you know If you don t know what he says about who he is how are you going to get to know him If you let God define himself for you and let him define you for you now you re ready to start blooming 46 47 Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out Psalm 1 He is like a tree planted by streams of water In all that he does he prospers This is how I want to be I want to be rooted in Christ so that when I get attacked or a storm comes my way I will stand strong because Jesus is my rock Really enjoyed this book Mark Hall dove into what it means to be rooted in Christ Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out I m torn between a 2 star and 3 star review. Thrivent login At points I really enjoyed this I liked Hall s use of the tree metaphor he writes that in addition to having an internal spiritual awareness we also need to branch out to others But I felt like he was all over the place in this book Often times he didn t have many concrete examples He simply repeated many age old Protestant go to lines. Thrive live 2024 I think he was a bit too Protestant for my taste I prefer Protestant authors like Groeschel Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out Original review posted here books here at JFH has exposed me to the largest amount of Christian nonfiction I ve yet to pick up since attending online courses at a Bible college I have nothing against Christian nonfiction being a Believer myself I frequently scan this genre s section whenever I have the chance to see what s on the market nowadays The only problem I have is with authors who think they know what they re talking about and end up leading people astray Don t be alarmed Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out by Mark Hall was in no way one of those books hence the reason I chose to review it In a manner of speaking Hall swings the opposite direction here his ideas are well meaning but the manuscript reaches little depth until chapter 28 leaving us one chapter plus the conclusion to really dig deep into what he s trying to say. Thrive mascara Hall s writing begins with a sort of precursor as to what we re going to be getting in this book He sets us up in the first chapter by usual nonfiction standards you ve picked up this book because X now I m going to answer your questions with Y and Z Chapter two serves us the illustration of a tree in Geneva Alabama called The Tree a massive oak that sprawls into a river from the bank on which it settled hundreds and hundreds of years ago Both the root system and branches are massive and are the inspiration for the book s cover wherein the symbolism lay in us reaching out to others the branches while having a solid foundation in God the roots The spiritual logic behind this in essence is sound However this is where the connectedness of Hall s thoughts comes to an end. Thrive market Each chapter is quite short and the logic within these chapters rarely connects to the Point to Remember at the end For instance chapter five was an illustration about an eagle whose egg rolls into a chicken pen and when the eaglet hatches it grows up thinking it s a chicken When a real eagle comes about the eaglet wishes it could be like that soaring eagle in the sky The Point to Remember at the end of all of this was that God has a preset plan for our lives and our obedience to Him should be our response The logic here does not connect Notwithstanding the fact that this chapter could have been seamlessly combined with chapter four and made into a logical whole the Point to Remember in no way states 1 whether our obedience will lead us to the path that God has for us or 2 whether the eaglet could have been an eagle and discovered his identity if he d just obeyed his natural instinct because that portion of the illustration never even made it in The book suffers this disconnection throughout and the jar from one log jam to another has a drastic effect on readability. Failure to thrive pdf I had issues with certain ideas in Thrive as well Areas popped up now and again that flirted on the border of Prosperity Gospel Until chapter twenty eight we were forced to tread water and search for deeper meaning deeper roots and a less vague sense of what was trying to be said When religious rules were mentioned in chapter ten the train of logic I was on came to a crashing halt All this time the book had been talking about thriving in the freedom of Jesus and then we come about to rules and religion The two don t mix nor should they ever. Thriveable Now I can in no way review this book in good conscience without making a very bold proclamation I m looking at this entire work by Mark Hall lead singer of Casting Crowns as a book by a writer Let me restate A nonfiction Christian book by a writer not a musician nor a pastor nor anything else The quality suffers and I doubt Mark Hall is to blame for behind every good writer is a great editor and granted writers always have the last say in this field As a writer with nine years of experience myself though I recognize poor editing when I see it Mark Hall has admitted to having pretty intense ADD Attention Deficit Disorder and I can feel for him because I have ADHD add Hyperactivity that s it This editor needed to take the time to point every single thing out to Hall in order for this book to Thrive The writing aspired to be great somewhere in the revisions process that aspiration was dampened and editing must bear that mantle. Book thrive Overall Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out did its best to bring across the message it was trying to preach to us As Mark Hall s fourth venture into book writing the trend of logical connection should be expected to stick If he plans to write another book of some sort I would advise him to either look seriously during the revisions process or go over every single chapter draft with outside eyes besides his editor Books claiming to carry heavy messages of learning how to thrive should deliver or change the synopsis readers scan before deciding to buy said book not leave them wondering where the promised message is until chapter twenty eight Thrive is a finished copy I pray Hall s next nonfiction venture connects a few of its own dots than this one ended up doing Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out Loved this My family and I have seen Casting Crowns multiple times and they never disappoint This is the first book of Mark Hall s that I ve read and it is full of simple but so good truths about digging deep and reaching out Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out This is another one of those non denominational books that has a good overall aim but when you look down into the nitty gritty of the language it uses there s too many flaws to count One example that comes to mind is The Christian Atheist Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn t Exist which I happen to have read recently but it s a general problem in Christian devotional books nowadays. Kindle thrive First I will say that I admire Hall s honesty and his target He uses good pictures to encapsulate the Christian life and its dual reality of strengthening faith while at the same time reaching out to others in the world On the whole this book can be a good basic guide. Thrivepass However I have to criticize this book because there are important elements which Hall never addresses or other things he describes very vaguely and in contradictory terms He never even mentions Baptism and The Lord s Supper much less their essential role in the Christian life The other main problem that kept emerging is Hall s conflicting claims that salvation does not happen by our own power while at the same time urging the reader to actively commit and get saved Which is it He uses phrases like When we surrender to Christ You can be saved right now I m handing over my future my past I m handing over the controls here and now. Thriveal Yes Exactly So why do you keep asking people to start their relationship with God And this phrase made me sigh But we d be amazed to realize how much of our faith is still not ours. Thrivelab reviews Um none of our faith is ours Faith is a gift from God We cannot get it we do not develop it we do not give it by our own power By grace through faith our salvation is given to us freely not taken for ourselves Ephesians 2 8 9 Hebrews 12 12 Romans 12 3 Anyone Hall s constant urging to reach out grasp and take salvation by oneself in a single conversion experience kept rubbing up against his claims that committing to Jesus is not a one time thing There is no such thing as trying Jesus We either yield our lives to him or we don t. Prepare to thrive book The base of our roots must be the understanding that we did not figure this out we did not turn over a new leaf we did not decide one day that we were going to try this Jesus thing The closest we can ever come with our own efforts is religion and it will not grow Religion has no roots. Thrive causemetics Guess what Christianity is a religion Christianity is both a religion and a relationship It s both public and personal Religion is not a dirty word Please stop reverting to the false dichotomy of religion vs relationship It s not one or the other It s both Your claim that religion has no roots is ironic considering that traditional liturgical Christian churches promote the study of various religious writings hundreds of years old ahemconfirmationahem while I ve yet to see any nondenominational Christian church go deeper then just mentioning the Reformation happened. Thrivelab reviews This is a promising start but he never goes further How is this transformation initiated by the Holy Spirit What are the means of salvation How does one know whether the Spirit is doing this work of salvation or whether you just feel like saying the words What do you count as being committed wholeheartedly and how do you test this authenticity Can a person be unsaved in the interim period between signing up to follow Christ and eventually wandering away in sinfulness again How many times does someone have to go back and forth and say the salvation prayer before it sticks permanently ahem Answer weekly confession and sanctification ahem This gets into really murky territory here and I don t like it I know I m just a cranky Lutheran English major nit picking on words But when I see the flaws poking out I have to speak up. Thriveable But despite the flaws in here I do wish all the best to Hall and his ministries and I admire how he gets the gospel out to thousands of people I can t fault him in his widespread evangelical efforts and I know he s doing great things I just wish he had written a better book Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out Don t have much time to read lately which is why it took me so long to finish this but boy I m glad I did Loved this book Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out This was so good Partway through reading this book I picked my word for the year thrive Now whenever I make out a to do list for the day I write survive at the bottom cross it out and write all in caps beside it THRIVE My reminder to do my best with whatever God sets before me to do 33This book encouraged and challenged me in my faith and I would definitely recommend it Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out Title ThriveAuthor Mark HallPublisher ZondervanDate 2014Pages 230Other Casting Crowns In order to comply with certain rules and regulations enacted and enforced by the FCC it is important that I remind you that I have received a free copy of this book in exchange for my fair and unbiased review here at my blog I go into every book with a certain sense of enthusiasm because to my mind there is nothing exciting than cracking open a new book and browsing through the publisher s page and the table of contents and maybe the index And so it was when I received Thrive in the mail I immediately cracked it open fingered the pages and began plotting my course. Thrive causemetics This book is a fairly easy read and there is nothing terribly wrong with anything Mark Hall writes in the book It was kind of nice to read some of the backstories for certain songs that Hall has written and performed with his band Casting Crowns. Book thrive The problem I have with this book is the same problem I have with any other book of this stripe it s the same as every other book of this stripe Let me be frank I spent 15 years in local church ministry I was faithful to God I preached a faithful biblical sound doctrine I prayed with and for my congregation I reached out to the community we lived in with the Gospel and in good neighborness Yet and I say this with a mixture of sadness and disappointment yet I never tasted anything remotely close to the success that I read about in books like this. Thrivent I am sorry to say that these books are all over the place a dime a dozen If you are a megachurch preacher or pastor or rock and roll star it is so easy to tell your story It is so easy to be a cheerleader for the church and tell about all the good stuff that has happened in your life But the truth of life is this christianity doesn t have to be all the bells and whistles and jump off points in order to be genuine effective or full I seriously think we need less of this rah rah christianity and much of the serious deep reflection on Scripture that we simply do not get from these mass produced books written by super successful spot light Christians I have nothing against them I m genuinely happy for them But just because they have had some modicum of success doesn t mean that their path is necessarily full of wisdom or that their path is the path everyone should or can follow Truth is Christians do not always wear smiles and that is not a sin. Thrive cinderella It is so easy for people to believe that success is so simple and that it is the desire of God for every Christian So many of the books of this character follow the same basic pattern a young christian is excited about Jesus gets discouraged by an old fashioned church falls away from the church has an epiphany starts a church or youth group with two people grows a church to a million and then writes a book about the wisdom they have learned through all these experiences. Survive and thrive book Just once I d like to read a story by an author who simply does not get success in the end That is at the end of the day the story doesn t have a happy ending they are still struggling still suffering still questioning with the Psalmists how long O Lord how long and I d like to read it from someone who still believes in Jesus and has faith in him I don t want to read it from someone who has thrown out the baby with the bathwater Sadly I guess the stories of less than triumphant Christianity are just not the kind that sell books. Thrive app login It s just a tired story Here s my main complaint I sense a lack of humility in this book I think it comes out in anecdotes like one found page 29 when he tells us of replacing a member of Casting Crowns with a new guitarist Hall comments He had no idea I was watching everything he did I can t quite place why this statement bothers me but it rankled me for some reason And there were others. Thrive app login That s enough complaints There were some aspects of the book that I found to be most helpful and typically they came in the form of sentences that I found to be especially insightful First I think it is especially insightful when he wrote God looked at David and saw something else He saw the genealogy of Jesus 31 It kind of makes me think that I wonder what God looks at me and sees Then again I think about some of the scoundrels in Jesus genealogy and I wonder again about something different. Dark horizons prepared to thrive book Second he wrote If you think you did something to start your relationship with God it s only logical to think you could do something to end it 43 While on the one hand this smacks of an aspect of Reformed theology that I do not subscribe to on the other hand it startles me anew with the refreshing whisper of God s grace I did sense at times a reliance upon God s grace and this is one of the redeeming aspects of the book. Thriveable I didn t enjoy this book but neither did I hate it I think this book is probably best suited for a high school college aged students I m not sure this is a book that many readers will find sufficiently deep enough to satisfy their thirst even though its subtitle is Digging Deep Reaching Out Like I said at the outset there is nothing wrong with anything Hall said it s just that I have heard it a thousand times before. Thrive live 2024 Please do not take that to mean that I didn t enjoy it There s a lot of good stuff in here and it works really well as a daily devotional just read one chapter day The text is easy to understand and has good advice Thrive Digging Deep Reaching Out
Thrive: Digging Deep, Reaching Out By Mark Hall |
0310293340 |
9780310293347 |
English |
240 |
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