[J. Richardson] ✓ The Days After: Big River [ Book] PDF ☆ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB

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Clay started his day as normal on the wide river in the fascinating city of New Orleans By the time the owner of the paddle wheeler Annie Belle had returned the morning tour passengers to shore it was apparent that something was very wrong What disaster could have caused such chaos on the shore His instinct sends him right back to the safety of the river he loves The captain s long time friend and assistant Louis leaves on a desperate mission to gather his wife and son with a promise to catch the big paddle wheeler up river Clay s newest crew member the tour hostess Angel and her small daughter have no option but to remain onboard In the days after as the new and changed world is revealed the four new friends and the two children will travel a perilous journey Up two mighty rivers and nearly a thousand miles they will work together to reach the haven of Clay s brother s farm Will the river defeat them or be their savior The Days After Big RiverJ. Book the day after roswell pdf free download Richardson was born in what she refers to as her beloved Texas She has lived there all of her life and raised her family Her children grandchildren and one great grandchild are scattered across the state These days she and her husband of 47 years split their time between home and their summer cabin in Colorado. Book the days after a storm Her first e book was published this year A life filled with rich experiences and small adventures has been the inspiration for her writing Much of that experience derived from the partnership with her spouse in building four homes in four different locations from scratch from a log house in the woods of east Texas to a lakehouse and a farmhouse and finally the cabin in Colorado J says that she is a fascinated observer J. Book the day after the party Richardson was born in what she refers to as her beloved Texas She has lived there all of her life and raised her family Her children grandchildren and one great grandchild are scattered across the state These days she and her husband of 47 years split their time between home and their summer cabin in Colorado. Book the days after i die Her first e book was published this year A life filled with rich experiences and small adventures has been the inspiration for her writing Much of that experience derived from the partnership with her spouse in building four homes in four different locations from scratch from a log house in the woods of east Texas to a lakehouse and a farmhouse and finally the cabin in Colorado J says that she is a fascinated observer of people and their endless diversity She believes the internet is an amazing source of information and her favorite part of writing is the research. The days after the hero's return light novel A pen name claims ownership of her fiction writings because they are often close facsimiles of her friends and family She admits however they are just as often products of her imagination and characters she has known The author s favorite reads are mystery and humor lately her passion and interest is in the fictional and real life details of prepping for disaster She quotes I have strong political and patriotic views but try to avoid them in my novels because anger is not my forte I always look forward to hearing from my readers site_link Updating my reviews here You can find the dates I started and finished this book and the review for this book on my BookLikes The Days After Big River The Days After reviewThe Days After Big River is the first post apocalyptic book in this series written by author J Richardson The Days After Big River

The Days After: Big River By J. Richardson
Kindle Edition
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The Days After: Big River.