Killing machine proc
About how terrifying a clear blue sky is for someone living in the targeted countries Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare Another book that provides the reader with a well researched background on the topic I felt it was a little left wing and has a certain bias against the use of drones in the global war on terror However it was still interesting and one has to keep an open mind I was hesitant before I checked this book out from my local library but I found it was informative I may not agree with the authors political slant but I did certainly discover information I wasn t aware of before Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare Nice long thesis on drone warfareThis was a nice long political science theses on drone warfare Well researched and a good slice of Obama administration history Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare PS major in undergrad luv 2 win read this book Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare I picked up this book expecting a tell all of the US Drone program extensive.
EBook Killing machine
A lot of v important q s abt sovereignty and accountability and law I dont think any of them have been answered yet hard to read this without thinking about that one first hand account to say the least This book did not meet those expectations Gardner tries to set up the story of how drones became the go to weapon for our global war but fails This book jumps around a lot and there is only about a chapter and a half of heavy drone related substance I would not recommend this book as a catch all for the coming of age of drone warfare Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare This was one of the most eye opening books I read in high school It was assigned by my AP US Gov teacher and introduced a lot of us to concepts that were entirely different from the romanticised and overtly blindly patriotic view of the US that our small rural town had indoctrinated us with Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare When combined with Daniel Denvir s work on immigration policy _Killing Machine_ leaves me with that Rip van Winkle feeling of having slept through a lot of bad things in the Obama presidency For those of you who have read this book or Denvir or Michelle Alexander certainly I am not alone in this feeling Lloyd Gardner the author of _Killing Machine_ was my graduate advisor three decades ago And a great advisor he was So I am not unbiased I also used to do tech support for him at his home office in Princeton Junction when I was working in tech support for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers Writing while Obama was still in office Lloyd brought us this masterful explanation of the highly problematic evolution of drone warfare under Obama s leadership I ve been meaning to read it for a while And yet in the Era of Trump with the world now focused on COVID 19 it seems almost a dereliction of duty moral and intellectual to focus on problems in the Obama Administration I started this book before the virus hit so I have soldiered on and just finished it last night The book takes us on a journey from counterinsurgency to drone warfare in Afghanistan and Pakistan weaving in the work of other scholars whose books sit on my shelves physical and virtual still unread Obama s drone policy enlarged the scope of the imperial presidency and put new tools for executive overreach in the hands of all future presidents Many excellent books an emergent corpus have piled up while I went on sleep walking in the Obama years Yet the prospect of reading further on war in Iraq Afghanistan and Pakistan promises neither the escape offered by literary and science fiction nor the immediacy of works on pandemics and public health I do have Steve Coll s _Directorate S_ queued up And I am still reading _Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam_ another one I started before the virus outbreak. EBook Killing machine gun But now I will check my news feed and turn on C SPAN and the reality of the present will intrude again The nostalgia for Obama s America will once again settle in Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare I am actually still reading this but I may not finish Interesting topic but the author meanders too much in getting to his point too much discussion of irrelevant information pulling in things that seem to have no connection to the point he is making It seems like an objective analysis on the surface but too many words like supposed so called etc indicate that there is an agenda here It s not a slow read so maybe I will finish it maybe not Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare This book wasn t really what I expected Most of it focused on policy decisions while there was little talk of specific strikes or even the technology involved It was very well written with a lot of sources and information but just not exactly what I expected We live in shifting times with regards to warfare The US has condemned torture but Gardner says that the new m. Book killing me softly by bianca sloane o is simply murder or assassination Not really better The legality of the drone strikes is something that comes up a lot They classification for who is a militant all men over 16 is absurd The kill list is really an assassination list which goes against US law These drone strikes are happening in countries where we aren t at war and aren t being conducted by the army Strikes on US citizens take this to the next level as the 5th amendment is being thrown away I think they fact that the president personally signs off on each one is interesting makes them culpable although I m not sure if that is slowing things The focus on this book really seemed to be about Obama s shift from a peace candidate in the early 2000s to a realist in 2008 to almost a hawk today Interesting to read about the changes but still not exactly what I expected Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare How can you wage war on terror by using a terror tactic Yet that is what we are doing have been doing for years. Killing machineq 1 How they change who the enemy is as a cover to justify to the public this war And the lies they tell that the drone strikes only kill or maim a few innocent civilians. Killing Machine ebooks free when the truth is only 2% of those killed or wounded by drones are even suspected terrorists or in a terrorist organization And this is of course with any gathering of evidence no arrest no trial so how do we even know that that 2% is guilty and what are they guilty of exactly If they break laws within the nation they are residing it is up to that nations police justice services to deal with not for another nation to sent a plane into someone elses air space and blow up a building not once but twice. Killing machine wow 2 How they claim they were are liberating Iraq and helping Afganistan become democratic when at home in the United States we entered a police state and had the Constitution and rule of law undermined and are still being undermined How can they tell us they are promoting freedom and human rights elsewhere but denying it at home There are other nations who have far worse human rights violations and yet they are not invaded nor do they plan to be. Killing machinevriend heusden So it makes me wonder what is really going on and what it all really is about How come people and groups we supported in the past and had them assist in meeting a certain agenda are now labeled enemies Isnt that what happened with Russia as well Friend then turned foe because some political agenda changed How ironic that a junior Senator from Illinois not only became president but was given a Nobel Peace prize before he even accomplished anything at all and yet terrorizes other nations and continues the police state set in place by prior presidents here at home In the end I dont think Obama s legacy will be a positive one not unless one focuses just on the Affordable Care Act and forgets everything else Killing Machine The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare
Killing Machine: The American Presidency in the Age of Drone Warfare By Lloyd C. Gardner |
159558918X |
9781595589187 |
English |
304 |
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