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Cabin fever book

The Cabin (The Lab Accident, #2)The Lab Accident 2 The Cabin reminds us that sequels often disappoint Six months after two of the scientist women tried to steal the formula and shrunk everyone in the lab eleven women and Brad strive to return to normal size when they aren t enjoying lots of sex. The cabin westlake ohio There s no mention of the girls who purposely released the gas in book one I think one was shrunk to nothing but the other doesn t appear to be a prisoner or a reformed helper. The cabin book author Brad unsurprisingly wants to use the formula to grow his dick and naturally there s a bit of an accident with his efforts All in all I didn t enjoy the sequel as much as I did the first book 1 for the story and 1 for the narrator who is disappointing 4 2 2 for The Cabin The Cabin The Lab Accident 2 Months after Karen and her team were shrunken down during a lab accident at the Desert Rose facility they ve been relocated to a remote cabin in the woods Now after a new accident the girls and one guy find themselves growing back at unexpected rates Plenty of multi sized people in this adventure The Cabin The Lab Accident 2 I write size changing erotica officially called macrophilia and microphilia I love the idea of being gigantic I love the idea of being tiny But what I love most is the idea of shrinking someone Check out my books on I have stories collections and audiobooks.

, Book the cabin at the end of the train Everyone feels bad that four girls apparently shrunk down to nothing and disappeared but oh well at least the survivors are enjoying unique sex they think