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Unstable Masks: Whiteness and American Superhero ComicsThe message is worthwhile the essays I read exposed the white supremacist structure in the superhero stories which I enjoy so much The medium academic essays is a barrier These are worthwhile ideas bogged down by the pretensions of scholarly writing Maybe writing in this professorly way gives the book credibility but this medium also makes these ideas less accessible to people who do not like reading the verbosity of cultural studies professors in their spare time If you can wade through the pretension though some of these essays will make you rethink and hopefully change your biases Hardcover Dei mais de um ano para concluir este livro Ele composto em tr s partes A primeira delas promete lidar com branquitude mas quando articula esse conceito se baseia muito mais na negritude do que em seu oposto portanto essa se o muito mais focada em super her is negros do que em qualquer constru o de branquitude feita nas tramas her icas A partir da segunda parte que o livro se torna realmente interessante atingindo temas que geralmente escapam do comum quando algu m se prop e a fala das diferen as raciais e etnicas Um exemplo s o as cr ticas feitas s branquitudes nas hist rias dos X Men A terceira parte fala de outras identidades que n o s o nem a negritude e nem a branquitude e que acabam sim em um lugar que praticamente n o abordado mas que existe o caso das pessoas racializadas por serem povos origin rios ou ainda povos asi ticos abordados aqui por exemplo numa cr tica s tramas de Wolverine e de Punho de Ferro mas tamb m no Batman dos Novos 52 Embora o livro tenha os seus lugares comuns vale a pena a leitura pelas partes que v o al m do bvio Hardcover Essay anthology that delves deep into dissecting race how did it get here where can it go in comic narratives On a personal note I was excited to read this there is something that has long felt futile about reading comic books and always seeing yourself in The Bad Guy who is espousing new and sexy ideas who will inevitably lose to the Masked Status Quosader There is a space to like comic books and superheroes while also understanding that without deep effort on the part of the creator undeveloped narratives of justice are regressive I mean wasn t Magneto right Didn t Professor X fail to accomplish any meaningful integration of mutants into regular society despite believing it was possible his whole life Doesn t the existence of superheroes mandate a society of inequality exists Anyways I digress This collection did a great job of synthesizing the history of superheroes and Real Life how Art Imitates Life and how lending a critical eye uncovers how surface deep representation is. Unstable Masks kindle store Some of my favorites were Oyola s Marked for Failure Hicks s Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Alaniz s Whitness and Superheroes in the Comix of Chagoya and Brown s The Dark Knight But all the contributions were good Well curated Fantastic Read Hardcover In Unstable Masks Whiteness and American Superhero Comics Sean Guynes and Martin Lund bring together a series of essays that contextualize the histories and stakes of whiteness studies superhero comics and superhero studies for academics fans and media makers alike The volume illustrates how the American comic book superhero is fundamentally a figure of white power and white supremacy and ultimately calls for diversity in superhero comics as well as a democratized media culture Contributors not only examine superhero narratives but also delve into the production distribution audience and reception of those narratives highlighting the imbrication of forces that have helped to create normalize question and sometimes even subvert American beliefs about whiteness and race Unstable Masks considers the co constitutive nature of identity representation narrative production and consumption and historical and cultural contexts in forging the stereotypes that decide who gets to be a superhero and who gets to be American on the four color pages of comic books Unstable Masks Whiteness and American Superhero ComicsSean Guynes saguynes is a writer editor and critic who lives in Ann Arbor MI..