[Jeff Ball] ☆ The Self-Sufficient Suburban Garden [ Book] PDF ☆ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB

The Self-Sufficient Suburban gardenzone

Producing food at home is no longer the province only of farmers and country dwellers with lots of land It s becoming a viable and desirable option for suburban and small town people too This book presents a five stage plan for turning a plain lawn into a flourishing food production system that supplies all the vegetables and some of the fruit meat and dairy products needed to feed a family of four for a year You ll learn how to design and manage an efficient garden homestead that will give you a maximum amount of food for the least amount of space time money and effort The Self Sufficient Suburban GardenGood information and very easy to read While he didn t go into enough detail in some areas for my taste Ball gave a good overview of many important aspects of food production and how to extend your growing season He also includes several good charts on planting times and preservation techniques 0878574573 A bit dated 1982 but was very interesting both as a time capsule and on some gardening ideas inspiration 0878574573 While somewhat of a dated book still filled with useful information and great for a beginner or intermediate gardener 0878574573 Good 5 year plan for ramping up to full food production Many useful charts in the appendix Sadly out of print 0878574573 this book isn t about specifics but it s a great planning guide to help get you started on intensive gardening in your backyard there are charts in the back that go over specifics but the author even recommends using another resource for that sort of material 0878574573 The Self-Sufficient Suburban Garden.